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Serving Buyers & Sellers

Lenders, Technology Vendors, Hedge Funds, and Private Investors

BlackFin’s Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Team is dedicated to helping successfully guide each of our Client’s through the very complex, sensitive, and sophisticated process required to understand the risks and consequences of acquiring a new firm or selling an operating enterprise. While no deal is ever the same, we leverage our existing and proven strategies, methodologies, and frameworks to navigate all considerations and options – as efficiently as possible. Regardless of if you’re on the buy or sell side, our goal is to deliver a winning deal for both parties.

Our mortgage expertise spans every specialization of the industry. Including sales, marketing, technology, operations, secondary markets, profitability analysis, operational efficiency analysis, and the people. Why is this important? When considering a merger or acquisition, you and your team need to have full confidence that every side of the potential deal has been fully analyzed, validated, and verified twice - that there is no stone unturned. That both the opportunities and gaps have been fully defined and your recommendations are sound, to ensure the greatest ROI.

Staying true to our brand of excellence, we are committed to not only the highest levels of confidentiality to protect both buyers and sellers, but to orchestrating a winning partnership. What you want and need in an M&A partner is someone who will be fair, open, honest, transparent and deliver the bad news as needed or flexing when necessary to orchestrate a successful deal.

Our Clients Include – Lenders, Technology Vendors, Hedge Funds, and Private Investors

Our M&A Services Include

  • Due Diligence Business Review; People, Process, and Profitability are the long poles in the tent when it comes to effectively considering to buy or sell a firm. You need a partner who can effectively uncover and best represent a firms strengths and opportunities while effectively positioning both weakness and threats to a deal.


  • Technology Review; Technology is one of the most valuable considerations to an effective valuation. Having M&A representation that not only advises on technology but implements technology every day to effectively evaluate the platform and services, is critical to business planning during the deal negotiation.


  • Max Valuation Review; If you’re looking to maximize your valuation when the time comes to sell, you will need an M&A partner who is capable of conducting a current state full scale business review that defines the required strategies to help you maximize the real and perceived value of your firm. As business owners it’s easy to get caught up in the day-today, we bring everything back into focus to maximize your valuation.


  • Defining Your Options; Finding the right deal requires an M&A partner who knows, works, and is connected to the key players in the industry. A partner who understands all the possibilities, sizes, shapes, and sales strategies to make a winning deal. Finding the right option isn’t just a financial consideration but ensuring there are synergies related to products, services, people, and culture. Our comprehensive  driver seat


  • Sizing Valuations Appropriately; A complex and sophisticated analysis. You need an M&A partner who is well versed in all the critical valuation variables to ensure a fair market value. You need an M&A partner who knows how to break it down for you and define a winning strategy. Our industry insights, real market data, and business analysis ensures proper valuation, if you’re a vendor or lender.


  • Negotiating and Closing: The most complex part of any M&A transaction, is navigating peoples emotions in order to effectively close on a winning deal for both parties. You will need an M&A Partner who will help you navigate the emotions, stay focused on the value gain, and ensure the people are protected.


  • Post-Deal Planning & Integration; One of the most valuable assets in any deal is – the people! You need a post-dela partner who is an expert in post-deal integration project planning and execution; and have proven expertise in change management. Our change management practice of over 500 project line items ensures post-deal integration success.

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